“Remember, you can handle anything in the moment. It’s the fear of what might happen that undoes us.” ~ Unknown
Why is it that we need a crisis to happen in order for change to take place? For me, I’ve realized it’s all about perspective.
It’s ironic. I’ve spent the last 12 years educating myself on how to become a great coach and worked with clients by providing them with a different perspective. Having this non-judgemental, objective perspective allows them to see things differently and challenge their own status quo. In doing so, they have been able to get clear about their priorities and set and accomplish goals that are truly important to them.
However, in all my adult years, I have to admit, I’ve been guilty of putting myself and my needs last. Why? In all honesty, I was avoiding. I was avoiding honouring my true value and worth. I placed greater value on working hard, doing things right, helping my clients and building my business that in the process, I forgot (or ignored) me.
This story may sound familiar to many women. If it does ring true for you, I’m hoping my story will inspire you to take a long hard look at yourself and your life and challenge you to look at things differently.
More importantly, we need to learn to create and maintain a healthy mindset to deal with difficult situations and obstacles when they arise. So, what does a healthy mindset look like? For me, a healthy mindset is being able to have a positive perspective.
Positive thinking is a mental and emotional state of mind that focuses on the good and expects positive outcomes.
Developing and maintaining positive energy involves more than merely thinking happy thoughts. It is the anticipation of good (i.e. happiness, health and success) and it is the belief that all things — situations, obstacles and difficulties — will work out favorably in the end.
Optimism does not involve ignoring negativity. It is the acknowledgement of the negative but then choosing to focus on the positive. At its root, it is simply the belief that despite the current circumstances, things will work out favorable in the end.
Here are 10 options to consider to help you create positive mindset.
- Get Really Clear About Your Priorities and Goals – Sometimes we get caught up in doing things that aren’t really what we want to be doing. A question I always ask my clients to consider is: Is this _________ (insert goal, situation or activity) taking you closer to, or further away, from what you want?
- Get Outside – Changing our surroundings is a great way to gain a new and fresh perspective. Whether you are dealing with a stressful situation or trying to solve a problem, spending time in serene natural environments has been scientifically proven to lower stress levels, improve working memory and provide a sense of rejuvenation.
- Practice Gratitude – Noticing and appreciating the positives in our lives is a great way to lift your spirits and provide yourself a mental boost. Create a habit of writing down or acknowledging 3 things you are grateful for everyday.
- Hang Around Positive People – Research suggests that stress is contagious and the more you surround yourself with it, the more likely you are to let it affect your thoughts. In the same way that stress and negativity are contagious, so is happiness. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Our behaviour and thought patterns mirror those we hang around with so choose carefully who you allow into your circle.
- Look for the Silver Lining – Forcing yourself to think optimistically while in emotional turmoil may not work. Training yourself to look for the lesson and find the bright spot not only eases the burden a little, it also slowly begins to transform your entire thought process.
- Don’t Focus on the Negative – I know this sounds obvious but focusing on negatives isn’t just unpleasant, it also makes you less effective in tackling other tasks you face. Negativity produces more negativity. Bad things happen–try not to replay them over and over and fixate on un-pleasantries. Visualize the positives in your mind instead.
- Talk It Out – Find a positive friend or small group of friends to talk to. Talking helps you hear the problem, admit and discuss your feelings and it gives you another set of eyes and ears to provide a different perspective. Talking to yourself is also helpful. Tell yourself things are going to turn around work out in the end.
- Exercise – Research on anxiety, depression and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise helps reduce anxiety and elevates your mood. When you engage in vigorous physical activity, the “feel good” brain chemicals (neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids) are released that ease feelings of negativity. It distracts you from your issues, and it physically relaxes you.
- Journal – Journaling is a great way to deal with overwhelming thoughts and emotions. It provides a healthy outlet in which you can express yourself (truthfully) and manage your emotions and overall mental health.
- Practice Mindfulness – Mindfulness is the practice of living in the here and now. It’s consciously deciding to be fully present in every moment. Worry and stress tend to focus our attention on the past or future. The key is to focus on the present without imposing judgement on our thoughts or how we feel.
I encourage you to practice these things and adopt a (healthy) habit of changing your perspective. If you need assistance, reach out for help and let’s work on this together. For a complimentary session, contact me now.