We all know that this past year has been stressful and it has reinforced the importance of being in a place of peace and calm even in the midst of a pandemic. One way I have tried to deal with my stress and anxiety is through yoga. And, while I’ve been doing yoga for several…
Our Blog
Holding Your Gaze
“I’m sitting here with my coffee; the fireplace is on and a candle is lit. Every now and then, Skye comes over to me and just sits by my side, waiting for a pat and some love. I stop writing, pat her, and just stare into her eyes. She’s so beautiful. What a soft and…
Intentional Living – Life 2.0
How will you move forward this year? Are you waiting for the pandemic to be over so you can get “back to normal”? What has the pandemic taught you about yourself? Life in general? Your friends? Business? Your community? When the pandemic first started almost one year ago, I was inspired and hopeful by what…
Setting Your Vision for 2021
Happy New Year! 2020 has been a year like no other. Many of us experienced challenges, setbacks and uncertainty. If 2020 has taught us one thing, it’s to slow down and focus on what matters most. And, no matter what you’ve experienced this past year, you made it through and now, it’s time to start…
Complete the Old/Create the New
What a year! 2020 will be remembered forever and always as the year of uncertainty and change. There have been so many big and challenging things we’ve had to cope with this year, both on a global and personal front. It’s no wonder we are all very ready to bring this year to a close….
In Need of a 6-Month “Life” Check-Up?
To say that 2020 has been an unusual year is definitely an understatement. No one could have predicted that 2020 would unfold as it has. Most of us have spent the first half of this year dealing with fear, uncertainty and upheaval in our normal everyday lives due to the pandemic. Now, almost 6 months…
Thriving Through Change and Transition
Our world has changed drastically in the last few months. We have all been touched by recent world events that have literally shaken our existence. Managing our daily life through uncertainty and fear has left us battered, exhausted and stressed. And the worst part is there is still no end in sight. With most of…
Staying Positive in Challenging Times
With the recent events of the world lately, I found it challenging to write a blog. Everything I wanted to write about seemed so trivial. I must admit, it was getting to me. In the midst of a pandemic, the world is experiencing another crisis. How much more can we take? As I struggled to…
11 Tips for Dealing with Uncertainty
Dan Grupe, a research associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Investigating Health Minds, said, “Uncertainty itself can lead to a lot of distress for humans.” This is because the brain fills in the gaps when it doesn’t know or have a reference point. The brain first looks for familiar clues to categorize any…
Feeling the Fear
As we head into our seventh week of self-isolation, I find there is still one common emotion amongst the people I’m talking with. That constant emotion is fear. While the fear has changed in some ways since the very beginning of this pandemic, it is definitely very much in the forefront of our daily lives….