A broken fortune cookie with a slip of paper that reads "Transition".Our world has changed drastically in the last few months. We have all been touched by recent world events that have literally shaken our existence. Managing our daily life through uncertainty and fear has left us battered, exhausted and stressed.

And the worst part is there is still no end in sight. With most of us trying to navigate a new normal, what’s become clear is that overcoming challenges and bouncing back from difficult situations is key to thriving regardless of the circumstances.

Developing resilience is key to getting out of the “flight-or-fight” mode and into a place of calm. This is where we are able to think clearly so we can make more informed, objective choices and decisions.

Times of transition are strenuous but they are also opportunities to purge, rethink priorities, and be intentional about new habits. We can make our new normal any way we want.

Here are five things you can do to lower the stress and maximize the positives of a transition:

1. Acknowledge that something is ending. Recognizing the conclusion of the current phase helps us prepare for what is emerging, which is much more effective than pretending that it’s not happening.

2. Honor the transition. Leaving the status quo can be a challenge, give some time to the process. Celebrate or grieve the change as appropriate; sometimes it’s both.

3. Look for and give thanks for the lessons from the closing of the current chapter. Even when we are mourning the ending, find the positives in the situation and give thanks. We will be better equipped to move forward when we can learn from what is going away.

4. Develop a positive mindset. Our mindset is the lens through which we see and experience the world and therefore determines our pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It defines what we see as limitations and possibilities, and how we make choices. Our brain is naturally wired to see the negative. Reframing challenges allows us to get into a more creative thinking mode which helps is find new solutions. Try asking yourself these questions:

  • What is this situation teaching me and how can I adapt and adjust?
  • How can I grow or move forward from here?
  • What options are available to me now?
  • What do I need to do to manage through and focus on right now?

5. Visualize and create a (new) plan. Humans thrive when we have a sense of control and structure. These things provide us with safety and security. While there are a lot of (external) things out of our control, there are things we can put in place for ourselves that will provide us with what we need, even if it’s just for the short term. Create a plan for the next week or month. Here are some ideas:

  • Start by creating an intention for yourself. What is one thing you would like to do or focus on or an intentional word you can use to start each day?
  • Visualize what you desire. Your intention is powerful and you can influence the outcome by your conscious thoughts and actions. Really get clear and specific about what you want. Creating a vision board or a collage is a great way to do this.
  • What changes have you implemented already that you would like to continue with?
  • What is one goal you would like to work on over the next week or month? Doesn’t have to be anything big. Just writing this down and keeping track is helpful to achieving your goal.
  • What steps do I need to take in order to realize that goal?