What a year! 2020 will be remembered forever and always as the year of uncertainty and change. There have been so many big and challenging things we’ve had to cope with this year, both on a global and personal front. It’s no wonder we are all very ready to bring this year to a close….
Our Blog
What Does Bravery Look Like to You?
There is a saying: “Life Happens When You’re Busy Making Other Plans.” This couldn’t be more true. It was November 1st, 2018 and I was on my way into Oakville for my newly formed Business Leaders Mastermind Group. This was our second meeting and I was very excited to be facilitating this program once again….
I Dare…
In a journal writing group I belong to; the prompt this month was to complete the sentence I Dare. I thought this was a very interesting statement and it caused me to think about how I would complete that sentence. Here’s what I came up with. I dare to move on with living my life…
From Breakdowns to Breakthroughs
One of the most devastating things about cancer or any chronic disease is the helplessness you feel about your own health. Receiving a cancer diagnosis is devastating. And, it usually comes out of the blue. It has been described as “being dropped behind the lines in a foreign country – without knowledge of the language;…
Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster
If you have ever been diagnosed with cancer or any other chronic illness, you know exactly how you felt the moments you heard those words. I’ll never forget sitting in my doctor’s office, hearing her say the results were positive; you have cancer. I cannot describe to you the many emotions I felt at that…